The tree hierarchy of the data is showing as the following
| class_names.txt (each line is a class name)
| labeled_metadata.json (with paths to labeled images' metadata)
| all_metadata.json (with paths to all images' metadata)
| (for downloading unlabeled images)
| └───1
| | └───computer
| | | | 235821044.jpg
| | | | ...
| | └───camera
| | | | 269400202.jpg
| | | | ...
| | └───...
| └───2
| └───...
| └───1
| | | computer.json (dict: key is flickr ID, value is metadata)
| | | camera.json
| | | ...
| └───2
| └───...
│ │ 0.json
| | 1.json
| | ...
| └───moco_b0
| | | features.json (with paths to labeled images' features files)
| | | state_dict.pth.tar (a copy of the state_dict file)
| | └───1
| | | | computer.pth (dict: key is flickr ID, value is torch tensor)
| | | | camera.pth
| | | | ...
| | └───2
| | | | ...
| | └───...
| └───moco_imagenet
| | └───...
| └───byol_imagenet
| | └───...
| └───imagenet
| | └───...